Review Of Proactiv Does It work

Proactiv has long been touted the best acne treatment product for treating acne and pimples but is it really? In this article we are going to examine proactiv, the stars that endorse it and the ingredients that are within it to help you make a better and more informed decision on whether it’s right for you and your acne or not.

Let’s start with proactiv itself. I had acne about 5 years ago and proactiv was one of the first skin treatment products that I tried in order to get rid of my acne. When i first got on the product I was excited and expected to see drastic changes in my skin quickly, but that didn’t quite happen. In fact quite the opposite happend! My skin not only didn’t clear up but it became dry and red because of the benzoyl peroxide within the proactiv. This ingredient is something I recommend staying away from, if you research it you will find that it is actually linked to cancer in lab rats!

You would think that a skin care product wouldn’t make things worse right? at least it should make it a little better? Well, not for me. It turns out too that many other users or proactiv not only didn’t see great results either but it made their skin dry and red as well. Why was such a skin care product that claims to get rid of acne being sold so much and advertised everywhere?

The reason is simple, many famous stars endorse proactiv. Stars such as katy perry and justin bieber are just a few of the mega stars behind the brand that does over $600 Million a year in sales. The reason why these stores endorse proactiv is for a big fat paycheck! If you got paid hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars to endorse a product would you? From my perspective this product is worthless and a waste of your time so I wouldn’t recommend it.

I’ve learned that this product is actually quite useless along with many other millions of users that have tried it and this is just my opinion. You will have to decide whether it’s right for you or not.

[youtube:6emorijKd80;Check Out [link:Proactive Review];]

David “The Skin” King

Before you buy anything online, make sure you check Josh Jones’ excellent free report on avoiding Acne Ebook, and Acne Diet

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