Review About The Sanyo Model DR-7700 Massage Chair Recliner

The flagship model of the Sanyo line is the HEC-DR7700K Zero Gravity Massage Chair. The HEC-DR7700K Zero Gravity Massage Chair is retails for about $5,000. You will find a variety of electronic features in this model of recliner. Some of the technology is borrowed from other divisions and has been integrated into this recliner. One of the more notable features is the stress detection system. This monitors certain body factors in real time and adjust the massage accordingly. Here is my review of the Sanyo DR 7700 massage chair.

When looking for a shiatsu massage chair, you are buying a chair for your needs. However, the company that makes is just part of the package. Manufacturers vary and how they support the product also varies. Bigger is not always better. Customer service is critical if you need service. How is Sanyo’s customer service? Good news is Sanyo has a US call center open 24/7 for warranty issues. Our experience is about average service but relatively short times to resolve issue, which is important.

Warranty is always an interesting area. You can benchmark a manufacturer’s confidence by their warranty. The longer and more comprehensive the better and brings additional value and protection to customer. Sanyo’s warranty is weak. Sanyo’s warranty is 1 year labor, 1 year parts, 3 years on the roller mechanism. Finally, Sanyo is offering in-home service, which it will cover for the first year. The warranty is a good indication of the company’s faith in its product. Sanyo’s massage chair warranty is weak for the price-remember the hefty price tag.

What about the HEC-DR7700K Zero Gravity shiatsu massage chair? Zero gravity is a position where the pressure from your body is removed from your spine and evenly distributed across your back. Officially, the chair must lean back far enough so your knees are above your heart. This is a nice feature in the chair. It’s a nice position to relax before and after a massage.

The HEC-DR7700K has a built in Stiffness Detection Sensor based on lie detection technology. The Stiffness Detection Sensor can locate stress points on your back. By monitoring changes in your perspiration and pulse rate, it can pinpoint areas in need of attention and focus the massage in those areas.

Sanyo has a Physical Shape Sensor that adjusts the massage rollers to your body movements. As you move on the chair, so do the massage rollers to your new position. Sanyo has these intelligent rollers that adapt as you shift your body during the course of the massage.

The Sanyo HEC-DR7700K can massage you in 3 dimensions. It has a newly developed three-dimensional roller system called GK rollers. The exclusive GK rollers come over the top of your neck and shoulders. This innovative shiatsu massage recliner offers the first 3 dimensional massage functions. Your neck and shoulders will feel very relieved

The massage makes or breaks any shiatsu massage chair. The Sanyo DR7700K has a variety of massage therapies. There are 5 automatic massage courses, 4 full body automatic courses and a total combination of 83 combination manual massage courses. Manual massage techniques include Grip, Shiatsu, Kneading, Tapping, Kneading & Tapping and various stretches. Need anything more? How about some 3 dimensional massage with Sanyo’s jointed massage head unit. This mechanism pushes outward and strongly grips your shoulders from above. Check out the Sanyo DR 7700 massage chair.

Our website has a large selection of Massage Chairs for every massage therapy need. Visit our website for honest and unbiased reviews of Sanyo Massage Chairs and others including Panasonic, Human Touch, and Omega Massage.

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