Magnetic Mattress Pads – Therapy While You Sleep

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) has long been viewed as a remedy for aging and the diseases associated with the aging process. Research published in the AMA Journal of August 16, 2000 links sleep disorders to a lack of HGH.

You may ask how something that doesn’t require you to do a lot of upkeep work can give you so many benefits and how these mattress pads can be distributed for such reasonable prices when they are so beneficial.

These magnetic mattress pads provide you with high quality magnetic therapy while you are lying on them. This means that while you are sleeping on it each night the mattress pad is helping to alleviate the pain associated with certain diseases.

This of course is a most useful safety device where mountain lions are concerned; however, it was never devised for constant use, a lifetime’s worth of worry and anxiety about all manner of things which basically *never ceases at all*.As worries and anxieties and underlying fears are not resolved but tend to increase, one piling on top of the next and new ones being added as the years go by, sleep disturbances increase and HGH levels decrease in turn, making it harder still to find balanced states of mind and body and a sense of security *within one’s own self* which are the pre-requisites for deep sleep – and more HGH production.

These magnets are covered with damask as well as a layer of foam to ensure that you do not have your night’s sleep interrupted by the pain of sleeping on hard magnets. The magnets are orientated towards bio-north and are of a powerful enough gauss to positively affect the delicate bio-environment that is your body.

Ananga Sivyer, author of “The Art & Science of Emotional Freedom”, says, “I am sure that many sleep disturbances have their root in childhood and child rearing. Simply put, children are not designed to be left on their own, unguarded, when they are young and vulnerable. Already then, being unable to relax deeply and profoundly becomes the normal order of things and it just gets worse from there.”.As this is primarily a direct physiological set of responses in reaction to perceived vulnerability from the environment, there are a number of techniques to help adults regain a sense of safety.Mind Control & Meditation Techniques .Although these can do little about existing “background anxiety”, these kinds of techniques can at least relax the body enough so that medium deep sleep with some incidences of deep wave sleep can be achieved. In turn, if this is happening regularly, a “virtuous cycle” begins to develop whereby the slightly increased vitality and overall functioning of the body’s system begin to alleviate some of the background anxiety in turn.

The magnetic therapy helps with pain relief because when the rate of blood circulation rises it can become more effective in flushing away the toxins in your body that are causing the pain you are experiencing.

A great many people are quite unaware of their own “background anxiety” and how high this actually is. This may be a good time to point out that everyone has this, and it is not a question of strength of character, being a coward or even unusual in either men, children or women in the 1st World.There is an excellent range of meridian based self help techniques available today which calm emotions and remove fears and anxiety by working with the human energy system rather than in the old fashioned psycho-analytical way; all of these are gentle and userfriendly and highly recommended (see Resources). In Conclusion

In some cases, three days without sleep can lead to a heart attack or heart failure. Blood pressure has also been known to go up due to lack of sleep, with some cases being reported where the pressure actually doubled. This, combined with the effects on mood and temperament, can do serious damage to a person’s relationships.

Understanding how important it is to acknowledge, find and treat our fears and anxieties WILL put a great many things to rights – and without complicated diets, additional supplements or unnatural exercise programmes.

Find more information about how to fall asleep quickly and dreams to remember.

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