Look Into Info On Easy Knife Free Vasectomy Services

Although vasectomy renders a man sterile, sterilization is not immediate. Even though the patient may resume sexual intercourse as soon as he feels comfortable, usually in about seven days, it can take up to two months for sperm count to be zero after getting this procedure. In the meantime, it is best for the patient to use another form of birth control and have his sperm count tested, to insure intercourse will not result in pregnancy.

For females, sterilization would involve a surgery called bilateral tubal ligation, an inpatient, surgical procedure performed in a hospital operating room, under general anesthesia. Tubal ligation may have multiple complications and risks associated with it, and can be a risky procedure. For males, sterilization is achieved by performing a vasectomy. Vasectomy is an outpatient procedure, performed in a doctor’s office and has fewer risks than tubal ligation.

Inquire further about the complication rate the doctor has experienced during this procedure, as well as the rate of infection his patients have experienced. No cut or no scalpel vasectomies give men an additional, relatively easy option for birth control. They are simple procedures, performed in a doctor’s office with few complications. They may even be covered by health insurance, depending on the company and plan.

The skin of the scrotum is shaved, cleaned and an incision is made into the scrotum. The vas deferens are pulled out through the incision, snipped and sealed off, usually by cauterization. Stitches are required after the surgery and recovery time usually takes a couple of days, depending on overall health of the patient.

The vas deferens is then placed back into the scrotum and a sterile dressing is applied. A jock strap is worn to protect the area and an ice pack is placed against the scrotum to reduce swelling. Unlike traditional vasectomy, no stitches are necessary for this procedure and there is no scarring. It’s a vast difference from the procedures of the past.

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