Information About Hot Flushes Menopause

Brief feelings of heat which can accompany a red, flushed face and sweating is known as hot flushes menopause, this is also known as hot flashes. During menopause, hot flashes are the most frequent symptom women experience. Although the reason for hot flashes is unknown, they may come from changes in blood flow.

When the blood vessels located underneath the surface of the skin dilate to cool, hot flashes happen. Dilation of these blood vessels results in the red-colored, flushed look of the face. A racing heart and a chilly sensation can impact some women during hot flashes.

Hot flushes can vary in intensity and length among women. A few women experience these episodes combined with sweating during the night, this ailment is known as night sweats. Over time the severity of hot flashes should start to decline.

Hot flashes can be prevented by avoiding certain triggers that can increase the frequency and severity of the flashes. Some of these triggers include stress, alcohol, caffeine and wearing tight clothing. There are also over the counter remedies, prescription medicine and herbal supplements that can help women control the condition.

There are many over the counter products that can assist with hot flashes. Vitamins such as vitamin B complex and vitamin E are among these products. Taking ibuprofen is another option.

An individual can also take some prescription medications to help control their hot flashes. These medicines include short term hormone replacement therapy, birth control pills, antidepressants and some blood pressure medications. Sometimes an anti-seizure medicine can also be used.

Taking herbal nutrition supplements can aid in relieving the problem. Black cohosh is one herbal supplement that can be used, only use this supplement for less than six months. Flaxseed and soy, which aid in reducing hot flashes can also be taken.

Hot flushes menopause is not exciting. If you’ve been dealing with hot flushes menopause then you need to get some treatment – let us help you out.

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