If You Have A Flaky Scalp Here Are Some Things You Can Try

You have had trouble with a flaky scalp for years now. It ensured your life was unpleasant from grade school, all the way through high school, and into college. Years ago, you simply shaved your head entirely, and that actually seemed to make a difference. After several years with a clean-shaven head, you decided to grow back your hair. Ten months later, you are now starting to have problems with your scalp once more. You’re starting to question if you are going to need to make a choice between having hair versus having a clear scalp.

The issue, as it has been spelled out to you, is that you suffer from seborrheic dermatitis, which is an inflammatory reaction of the scalp caused by stopped up hair follicles. Excess sebum, a naturally produced oil intended to keep your hair supple and strong, turns into a waxy build-up, trapping bacteria inside the follicles and inflaming the scalp.

So what to be done?

## Choose the correct shampoo

There is no doubt that the right shampoo will make a huge difference. You need a shampoo that will do two things simultaneously; it must effectively clear away the excess sebum build up and, at the same time, be capable of combating the malassizia bacteria that is actually inflaming the scalp. There are many shampoos on the market, of course, but you want to look for one that contains zinc PCA.

## Recognize the benefits of having shorter hair

Shorter hair has a couple of benefits. First it allows more airflow to the scalp which helps reduce some of the symptoms. Second it allows more sunlight onto the scalp and the UV spectrum of sunlight is good at killing bacteria. The other thing to consider is this – if you are growing out your hair it might not be the hair itself that is causing the flaky scalp problems. If you are wearing a lot of hats and bandanas while your hair is at that those potentially awkward stages it could be the hats and bandanas which are more of the problem. It could be that you can sport a nice short cut (especially if you are fair haired) and still keep most of the benefits of a shaved head.

## Use cool water

Whenever you are shampooing your hair. Be sure to use only cool or warm water. Hot water will certainly exacerbate the symptoms.

## Consider changing your diet

There is evidence to suggest that you can effectively suppress the growth of malassizia through diet. A diet that is low in sugar, dairy (especially aged cheeses) and alcohol is thought to slow the growth of malassizia.

You should not be forced to shave your head simply to remedy a flaky scalp. Perhaps all you need to do is sport shorter hair and try a few adjustments to your lifestyle. If you are having a difficult time locating an effective shampoo from the shops you can opt to go online and google “Shampoo Zinc PCA” and see what comes up.

Find out how to treat an oily scalp and a sensitive scalp on Scalp-health.com. Make scalp problems a thing of the past starting from today!

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