Healthy pregnancy

If you’re planning a pregnancy or are already pregnant, you know you need to take good care of your body for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. When pregnant, the demands on your body require better nutrition, some supplements and a regular, but appropriate exercise program for a healthy pregnancy. It’s just common sense that you follow these general guidelines. So what, specifically, should you eat and not eat?

Whether you’re in the planning stage or are now pregnant, the same basic rules apply. If you have fertility concerns, you’ll do well to begin these improvements three months prior to becoming pregnant, as diet and exercise play an important role in promoting general health necessary to a healthy pregnancy condition. Caffeine, sugar and alcohol may impact fertility. Your doctor may suggest you restrict or eliminate consumption of both.

Here are some foods and supplements which increase fertility by providing nutrients which allow your body to be in optimum form for conception. Once you are pregnant, ensure your healthy pregnancy by continuing throughout your term.

Bee pollen or royal jelly are both nutrient intensive foods which promote a fertile state. Zinc supplements contribute significantly to healthy reproductive organs. Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc and can so make a good healthy snack. Vitamins A and C are also important for both you and your baby. Folic acid is a must-have supplement when pregnant. Many women are deficient in folic acid, which has been implicated in neural tube abnormalities such as spina bifida. Wheat germ is high in vitamin E and may, in certain conditions, prevent miscarriage.

A cautionary word on vitamin E: an important component of a healthy pregnancy, you should talk to your doctor before beginning Vitamin E supplementation. If you have high blood pressure, or have been prescribed a blood thinner, talk to your doctor before using this vitamin.

Another supplement you’ll want to discuss with your doctor are digestive enzymes, which ensure that your body makes optimal use of the supplements you’re already taking.

Don’t skimp on protein or calories, but try to gain weight slowly. This won’t be a problem if you truly eat a healthy diet.

Food choices for a healthy pregnancy include fish, lean meats, liver, and lots and lots of fruits and vegetables, especially those green leafy ones, generally high in vitamin E. If you can afford them, try sticking to organically grown produce – you and your little one don’t need the pesticides!

A general rule of thumb for a healthy pregnancy requires that you eat at least two cups each of fruits and vegetables, about six ounces of lean protein in a variety of protein rich foods, including eggs and legumes and three servings of dairy products – such as milk, cottage cheese, yogurt or cheese – daily.

This is an important period in your life and that of your baby. Go to the library and find one of the many worthwhile books on nutrition and a healthy pregnancy. Your baby will thank you!

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