
Great Body

Looking your best is no simple chore. It’s not something that can be addressed once and then you’re done. It’s a tedious routine that lasts as long as you do. Day in and day out you have to groom, feed and exercise your body meticulously. In all honesty, it can get rather old and redundant. But, we must strive on to preserve that great body and face that we’ve worked so hard to retain. After all, it is worth it. Our confidence and bliss levels soar when we look nice. However, for some this process is not quite as simple. Are you in-the-know when it comes to looking great and staying fit?

Exercise! This term is often the key to physical greatness. To attain and preserve a great body, there is always exercise involved. Whether you’re a man or a woman can determine what exercises you embrace. A woman for example, often doesn’t care to look big and bulky. Most females prefer a slim, yet toned body that expresses their femininity. Males on the other hand commonly like to have muscle definition and/or mass. This idea dates back as far as time. We all know that women prefer a strong mate. So, to achieve that great body you must adopt the proper fitness routine. If you’re looking to lose body fat and tone up, you should consider a decent cardio regimen, in addition to a light weight training program. This will allow your body to shed excess fat and increase muscle definition, hence leaving you with a great body for everyone to adore.

If you’re like me, you have no desire to drop body weight. I have enough trouble keep what I have. Therefore you’ll need to work with heavy free weights and eat plenty of protein, carbs and healthy calories. This is the way to pack on lean muscle and acquire that great body you’re looking for. Since your weight training will be more severe and cause more damage to the muscles, you’ll also require more rest time. For example, if you’re doing 14 sets of four different chest and tricep exercises, give it a week before you work these muscles again. In the meantime, remember to rest plenty and consume enough calories and protein for muscle repair.

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