Get Back In Shape Plan – Muscle Building Workout

Discover How To Build Muscle and Six Pack Abs at Here Are The 5 WORST Things you Can Do If You Want To Build Muscle & Get A World Class Six Pack Abs Body. 1. Almost all bodybuilding supplements DON’T WORK and are a complete joke and only make a 5% difference ASSUMING your diet and training plan are in order. In just a second, I’ll give you a nutritional advantage and tell you exactly what does work. 2. Traditional bodybuilding programs would lead you to believe …

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  1. r3aper187 says:

    legion i disagree with u all tht matters is how much u want it if your not going to put enough effort and time ofcoarse nothings going to change like a test u dont study dont expect to get a good grade push yourself as hard as you can never say u cant do it

  2. angryhalfinch says:

    Soooo… why are people, like, GuilleGon and Legion19911009 wasting their time here? I don’t get it.

  3. Fantastic vid, Vince. thanks for sharing this info with us. YOU are the best.

  4. Legion19911009 says:

    You’re right that my body is the vessel of my consciousness. But I can also tell you that my body is not something I can change. Instead of beating my head against a wall, I’ve come to accept my current position. It is wasted time and it makes me feel awful to try to be something I’m not. I just don’t like physical exertion. It’s like trying to beat a square peg into a round hole, the whole sport thing is just not who I am. For some people, myself included, athleticism is not possible.

  5. Legion19911009 says:

    That calls for a value judgment. How do you qualify the terms “happy” and “healthy”. They are arbitrary and mean different things to different people, much like “good” and “evil”. As for the pointlessness of a debate on the grounds that it won’t change any minds, keep in mind normal debates have that problem too. Debating for the sake of debating is a mental activity. In colloquial terms you might understand, it’s like saying why not cancel a vacation if your ultimate destination is home.

  6. good vid keep it up i’ve also got your skinny guy muscle plan, its helped me a lot, so i just wanna say THANKS VINCE


  8. Man I want to train with this guy!

  9. MarylinSanchez says:

    Great video Vince! Thanks for the info! keep up the great work!!!

  10. cooperfamily888 says:

    Great examples of smart training. Love the bodyweight stuff.

  11. IMunchGlass says:

    Awesome vid Vince. Also, I want to second your statement. I’m in college, and I lost 50 lbs since January. I’m able to focus more, partially because I’m not bothered by constant cravings, and my mind/body connection has been improved. I’m taking more harder classes now than ever and doing a great job at handling them.

  12. GuilleGon says:

    I respect myself and I love myself, that’s because I’m comfortable with my body (one of the reasons of being happy) and I’m not muscular. Get it?

    So, you were telling me your motto is “If you’re not MUSCULAR, you won’t be HAPPY.”.

  13. akiracarter says:

    Awsome video vince
    no offence or’ve got a great body but you seem to have the same problem I do- weak calves. any suggestions to make them grow?

  14. veganrexia says:

    Work out hard, rest a lot and EAT! 😉

  15. I like vinces programs and style of workouts it’s just trying to do three diffrent exercises with no rest in my gym is nxt to impossible, there is bound to be a queue every now and then. For now I preparing to try sean newanyjs program which doesn’t involve chaining exercises will see were that takes me

  16. stillgunit says:

    thanxx vince very good vid and hit me up

  17. Nice work Vince. It’s hard to tell with the video quality but your arms are looking a lot better then I remember them a few years back. More definition and even more size. It’s tough for us tall guys. Good work!

  18. good vid vince:)

  19. VinceDelMonte says:

    GuilleGon… If you don’t respect yourself and love yourself to take care of yourself then you will not be happy. being muscular is just one of many ways to take care of your body.

  20. VinceDelMonte says:

    Remember Legion… you’re made BODY, MIND and SOUL. Your mind dwells INSIDE your body so you have to ask yourself – do you want your mind living inside a strong body or weak body?

    You are a three-dimensional human being – you do not have to be big and muscular to take care of your body but just make sure you are not neglecting it at all or else your mind WILL suffer because your mind lives inside your body.

    Make sense?

  21. you guys are so ignorant and missing the point. what vince is saying is that healthy people are happy people. you cant debate that. legion, if your mind is so strong, you should already know this. its also pointless to debate on youtube like this, because no one will be convinced to the other persons side. its just very sad to let other, more feeble, minds be corrupted by characters like you. vince is doing nothing but helping. theres no need to hate. haters.

  22. carlos96693 says:

    Good Job dude you aré The best

  23. rashochaudhary says:

    i really like your vidz i also want a body like you and i have also a great fig but how can i gain weight in my body

  24. azizieh91 says:

    Vince i have a question. You said this workout is for beginners and i have also begun working out but i cant do alot of the workouts here like the pullups, dips, and horizontal row? What should i do?

  25. PblGunReviewShow says:

    yes, at my gym and in this video, and i find theyre totally useless

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