Exercise Your Nutritional Muscle!

When asking people whether or not they think exercise and nutrition is essential, they will undoubtedly reply, “absolutely”. But if you inquire as to the kinds of exercise they partake in or what they consider healthy eating, you would understand that they have no real understanding on these subjects. Unfortunately, most are extremely uninformed on the two most pertinent topics when it comes to their well-being. The realistic solution to these unhealthy habits would be to motivate them to workout and eat right.

Not ingesting the right foods each day can greatly impede your workout results. Proper nutrition is important for every part and function of your body. Without the proper nutrition your body suffers, whether or not you are aware of it. Diets too high in saturated fat, sugars, and sodium are of the majority in America. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, fiber, and calcium rich diets are almost unheard of.

Could you guess which diet leads to: heart disease, various cancers, stroke, obesity, diabetes, and osteoporosis, and hypertension and which is preventative? Not only does nutrition affect your body but it plays a large role in the function of your brain. Vitamin B and iron are critical for cellular energy metabolism or “brain power”. Tyrosine and vitamin C are needed to produce the neurotransmitters that send signals from cell to cell. Everyday damage as well as aging is managed by essential fatty acids and antioxidants.

With the proper nutrition you can add to your healthy lifestyle by beginning an exercise regimen. You do not have to be a body builder or train for a marathon but exercise is beneficial. Being active is not solely for your physical appearance. Just thirty minutes of exercise a day can prevent and manage diabetes, reduce blood pressure, improve cholesterol, prevent cancer, increase stamina, help to manage your weight, reduces stress, helps you sleep, and promotes stronger muscles and bones. With numerous forms of exercise you are bound to find one that is enjoyable and beneficial.

What is enjoyable to you? Do you need simple? Just plain walking (for exercise) everyday can benefit you in so many ways. Burn a few calories, get the juices flowing and relieve some stress. What else do you like? You can swim, bike, or find a sport you like. The goal here is to get moving.

Let’s not forget water. Hydration is key to every function of the body. Begin your day with water and drink at least 8 glasses per day. More if you are training hard. Drink some before and during each meal as well. It’s great for digestion so food can be absorbed easier.

As you learn, it is important to taking action. You can better your health as well as your quality of life with more knowledge and a conscious effort to provide your body with the proper nutrients and to cut back on the consumption of harmful foods . Take care of your body and it will care for you. You must obligate yourself to a new lifestyle by exercising and eating healthy.

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