Exactly Why Do People Choose To Live Green?

Green living is at present a very popular topic as it’s always discussed in the media. Industries that are dedicated to environmentally safe products will create new jobs and develop new energy means to replace fossil fuels. However, what becomes productive or not in the brand new Green Economy will be driven by consumers. So at this point it’d be good to evaluate this question: “Why do people go green”?

I sometimes try to ask myself this question and imagine why people do this. The obvious rationale is that many people who attempt to live green are concerned about saving the environment. Or it’s feasible that many people are fascinated by the latest green devices. A third valid reason is that people believe that money can be saved by going green even though that there is an initial price tag to do it.

Well, some research was done and based on the Wall Street Journal none of those answers are correct. The real contributing factor that gets people motivated to go earth-friendly is peer pressure. That’s all there is, just plain old peer pressure.

Not too long ago an experience was carried out where two placards were put into motel bathrooms. These placards prompted guests to use their bath towels more than once. On at least one of the placards it said “Show your reverence for mother nature”. The 2nd placard had as a message “Join your fellow visitors in making an effort to save the environment.” In summary 75% of people did participate in the towel reusing programme, which is a reasonable amount in itself. As you might have guessed, most folks reused their towels when looking at the second placard that mentioned their fellow guests were doing it too. In a customization to the experiment, the second placard’s personal message was changed to read “75% of travelers using this room reprocessed their towels?. The modified placard grabbed better returns than the original.

As you can see, like life itself, peer pressure performs very well in this circumstance. It looks like just saying that one can save the environment is not enough however to say everyone is doing it will probably cause people to make a change.

This small experiment can help organizations decide how they will start marketing their green products and solutions. That feeling of guilt caused by peer pressure has numerous people taking action consequently where they would not have done anything otherwise. So it appears that companies should target their marketing on making people feel guilty if they don’t go green. It’s fairly likely that companies will use a similar tactic accomplished in the experiment.

Overall I was surprised at the research project and its final results. Even so after mulling over them they did not really amaze me as much. People in general, it seems, need to sense that they belong and do not desire to stand out.

So that seems to be the actual main purpose for people going green. In spite of all the reasons of preserving the planet, it’s good old peer pressure that would cause people to make a change.

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Vanessa Summer is a freelance writer and writes about many things. You may visit one of her other sites at Unique Hoodia

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