Essential Skin Care In The Morning

Skin care to me is one of the most important things in my life. Like many of you, I put most of my emphasis on skin care at night before I go to bed. It is because I have read many researches saying skin cells function actively at nighttime. Recently, I have read a research saying that skin care in the morning is as important as it is at the night. So, I really want to share with you so that we do not miss the right time to get a pretty face.

Water is essential to healthy and supple skin. It is known that by drinking a glass of water in the morning help excrete the toxin and improve skin health. Based on this idea, some people are saying that drinking water with salt is even better. Indeed, salty water is not suitable to be drunk in the morning as it increases the burden of kidney. The best beverage to drink for skin is honey. Honey not only nourishes your skin, it also helps the peristalsis of the digestive system.

After brushing my teeth, I cleanse my face. Though you may not find your face as dirty as it is at night, you still need the cleansing to wake your face up. Facial cleansing can be another piece of knowledge to learn. It is very common to cleanse your face with facial cleanser. It is okay for people with normal or oily skin. If you have sensitive and delicate skin, you better not to use facial cleanser in the morning. You can simple massage and cleanse your face with water. This refreshes your face and at the same time imposes less irritation to your skin.

Another way to wake your skin up is treatment mask. Though most of the treatment takes you around 15 to 20 minutes, you only need 3 minutes for your morning mask treatment. You can simple enjoy your mask when you are brushing your teeth. You are suggested to use those wash-off masks in cream or jelly form so that your tooth brushing is not affected.

After my mask treatment, I apply essence and lotion. For a long period of time, I think essence is best to apply at night. According to some professional advices, morning is the best time for such essence to be absorbed. That means, if you have some expensive and effective skin care products, please remember to apply them in the morning for best result. To further enhance the result, you can use your palm for help. Put your palm onto your face and let the heat pass from your palm to your face for a few seconds.

Many people feel that massage is a relaxing enjoyment. While you can enjoy the massage in resorts, you can do your facial massage every morning at home. Lymphatic massage is effective at combating the puffy face and eyes. There are three sets of massage that you can follow. The first set is massage on the two side of your face. Use your fist to massage from chin and upward. The second set starts from your outer eye corner to your ear. You can press and hold with your index finger. The final set is to massage your neck downwardly.

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