Do The Same Muscle Building Techniques Work For Everybody?

What muscle building techniques will work for everyone? It seems that’s the ubiquitous question everyone seems to have. Of course, being unique critters, there aren’t one-size-fits-all programs for everyone.

Since we’re all unique, we should that our workouts will also be unique. The best advice is to know yourself enough that you can tell what will work and won’t work in your case. Nobody can answer that but you.

Once you have discovered – through experimentation and effort – what works for you, and you have the workout routine pretty well figured out, then you have to stick to it. Training once a week won’t cut it. Dedication and motivation to hit it 3-4 times a week will, however.

Every muscle group you train will have its own muscle building techniques, and this all depends on your fitness goals. For a general tip on upper body: you want to target mainly your shoulders, biceps and pecs. Of course, there are other muscles to train, such as your abs and triceps – you’ll eventually want to hit these.

Unfortunately, many people stop with the upper body since they see it more often. It’s easier to show off your new chest than your new quads and hams, but you need to do both upper and lower body. You’ll need to do squats, lunges and calf raises to kick your legs up a notch and give yourself a firm foundation.

Of course, there aren’t the muscle building techniques that work for the entire human race. We’re all too unique, with individual goals, metabolic needs and the like. Spend the time it takes to find out what works for you. Keep learning your body’s limits and press past them, using different exercises to out-smart your adapting body. The good thing is, since there is such a variety of ways to meet your goals, you’ll be able to stay interested and motivated as you surprise everyone around you with consistent gains.

If you’re looking for more information on Online Fitness Tips, there is an entire resource set of articles, surveys, product reviews and a Free Special Report at Best Fitness Workouts.

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