Can You Correct Snoring With Surgery?

When it comes to snoring, there are many different methods of treatment that are tried in order to correct the problem. But unfortunately, they don’t always work with everybody.

In some of the more serious cases, surgical techniques are sought for treatment – but only as a last resort. There are several different types of surgical methods for the treatment of snoring. Some of the surgical methods are more invasive and hard to recover from than others.

Of the less invasive procedures, somnoplasty is receiving a little bit of good press. This procedure is minimally invasive by comparison to other surgical solutions. It usually done as an outpatient procedure, and it uses thermal energy to stiffen and reduce the soft tissue in the throat.

Movement of the tissues is often what causes snoring. When tissues in the throat don’t move as much, snoring is decreased. There is hardly any pain connected to this procedure, and most people recover quickly.

If your health is seriously at risk by problems such as sleep apnea and you’ve attempted and failed the traditional treatments, your doctor may recommend an uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, or UPPP.

This is a procedure in which the obstructions in your airway are removed. Your tonsils and adenoids will likely be removed as well.

This is not usually the first treatment considered. Of all people who have undergone this treatment, only 60 % would do it again. It takes about three weeks to fully recover, and it causes discomfort when swallowing. UPPP is not hugely successful with a high percentage of those who have the surgery continuing to snore afterwards.

In very severe cases, nasal reconstruction surgery might be considered. This is essentially plastic surgery that reconstructs – not only the bone structure of the nasal cavity – but also removes soft tissue that may be limiting your ability to take in the proper amount of air. Since this procedure falls into the category of major surgery, it should be approached with caution.

When all else fails, a tracheotomy can bring some relief. This is a frightening procedure to undergo and highly invasive. This procedure consists in inserting a tube inside the wind pipe to make breathing easier. This is not a preferred method of treatment and will in many ways become a new way of life for those who choose to undergo this particular procedure.

It’s important that you make a concentrated effort whenever possible to avoid the surgical procedures mentioned above since all surgery carries some degree of risk no matter how ‘minor’ the surgery is supposed to be. You and your doctor should discuss together which course of treatment will likely bring the best results.

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