Avoid Bad Foods When Losing Belly Fat

If you are trying to decide which path to take, one piece of advice is universal: There is no quick fix. If you are in a hurry, say in two weeks, it isn’t going to happen. Fad diets, supplements, and pills are not going to melt away you belly fat. An ab cruncher is not going to reduce the size of your gut. The quick-loss programs are not the answer.

If you can just accept this for a few moments, I am going to provide you with the information you have been looking for. Yes, there is a simple, straight forward path to losing your belly fat.

Before learning about the science of nutrition , I believed that wheat products like muffins, tasty chips ( with dip of course) whole wheat bread, and other baked goods were ok. I was wrong. Wheat is not easily digested and in the quantities that people consume wheat it can be considered a fattening food.

Fruit juices are not a complete food since the fiber has been removed. Without the fiber you are left with a craving for some more food like chips or crackers. Now this will increase the blood sugar response which doesn’t help fat loss.

Some people are satisfied with a dull cardio routine while watching TV, throw in a few leg and arm curls for weight training, and pump away with some crunches and side bends, and believe that they are doing something useful to lose belly fat. After three months the have not lost their belly fat. Fat remains!

As people age, and especially for women, metabolism slows down which causes the body to store fat more than muscle. Fat storage also shifts from hips and thighs to midsection. It is possible the redistribution of body fat to cause a person’s waist to increase without gaining of any weight. What this means to you is that your extra stomach fat isn’t just sitting there waiting to be burned away, it is actually producing hormones that are making you more fat and causing future health problems. Let’s try some nutritious food.

Spinach and other leafy green vegetables contain nutrient rich calories in comparison to other foods. In addition to containing anti-oxidants, it is also a source of one of the elusive vitamin K. Bone health depends on adequate vitamin K in diet.

Salmon is one of the best food sources of Omega-3 fatty acids. If you can buy wild salmon you get an even better source of protein and vitamin D. Remember that to lose belly fat requires good nutrition and it is essential that your food contains enough protein.

Avocados are loaded with vitamins (A, B, C and E) and dietary fiber. This vegetable is easily digested and provides a slow-burning fuel which the body requires. The fat in avocados is consists of 80% “”good”” mono-unsaturated fats which has many health benefits.

So write it down – 3 delicious foods which will help you lose belly fat fast.

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