low carb diets

Though low carb diets are not as popular as they once were, there are many who are still using them, or trying them for the first time. They are much like any other diet though, and you can’t expect miracles. They do work exceptionally well for those who have insulin resistance and have problems with…

Late Night Randomness, Etc.

I’m a ramble-y, nonsensical mess here! Thank you so much for being part of my life!! :DI feel like some of you really “get” me (and therefore I, you) and it makes our interaction that much more pleasurable 🙂 Usually I just have one glass of wine… tonight was an exception :PI know I “shouldn’t”…

Treatments for Obesity

Getting to a healthier weight for your height and age should be the goal for any treatment plan for someone struggling with obesity. Your health can start to improve with just a 10% to 15% body weight loss. That equates to about a 10 to 20 pound loss for someone who weighted 200 pounds at…