10 Tips for Maximizing the Benefits of Your Massage Therapy Session

For most, a massage is a wonderful and relaxing experience. How can you maximize the benefits of the massage therapy session? And how can you make sure that right after your massage, the return to the external world does not erase the pleasure you have just experienced? Here are pointers that may help you reap the most benefits from your massage therapy.

1. Take a pleasant bath or shower

Not merely will your specialist appreciate your good hygiene, washing before your massage session warms your muscles up, making you more pliant and relaxed. It is also a smart idea to reduce your use of make-up and scents.

2. Drink water

Hydrate yourself before climbing onto the massage therapy table. The pressure from your massage therapist’s hands pushes lactic acid out of your muscle tissue and into your blood, where it circulates all through your body. Without water, your blood flow is lethargic and may not process these toxins as immediately as when you are fully hydrated.

3. Communicate with your massage specialist

Be sure to let your massage therapist know of any symptoms, concerns and the expectations you have of your therapy before starting, so they can avoid those areas or pay extra attention as acceptable. It’s also a smart idea to make them aware your preferred environment too , including the kind of music (or no music), room temperature, etc.

4. Turn off your busy thoughts

It may be one of the most difficult things for you to do, but crucial to getting the best results from your massage. A good way is to concentrate on your breathing. While the specialist is setting up, begin deep breathing, inhaling from the belly, upwards thru the chest cavity and psychologically following the path of your breath. Let the healing of the massage in without any mental distraction.

5. Breathe through the pain

Remember your breathing exercises and don’t let a moment of discomfort ruin the relaxation. Don’t hold your breath when the massage specialist begins working on a stressed pressure point or knot, or else the muscle will continue to hold its stress. As an alternative narrow your focus into that deep, regular breathing pattern. Try to visualize tension leaving your body on the exhale and allow your body to relax a bit more with each breath.

6. Less talk, more body awareness

If you are chatting away while having a massage, then you’re not totally relaxed and concentrating on your body. Animated conversation makes your body tense up, which may definitely hinder you from getting the full advantages of your session. The important exception nevertheless , is when you need to give your therapist info or instructions. Let them know when the pressure is too much or too small; if you’re feeling cold; or if you would like them to work more on a particular area. Then back to your breathing.

7. Recover slowly

A lot of people don’t take a bit of time to integrate and absorb the results of their massage. Don’t leap into your clothing directly after the massage therapist has left the room. Be certain to take a moment to appreciate your newly relaxed body. Slowly open your eyes and breathe in the room’s ambiance. Roll slowly onto your dominant side, push gradually up to a seated position with one arm, and sit on the side of the massage therapy table for a few moments.

8. Drink more water

An 8 ounce glass of water or two will effectively flush out toxins released by the massage. Avoid this step, and you might end up with sore muscles and nausea — making the investment in your

massage all for nought.

9. Relax

Enjoy the benefits of your massage as long as possible by committing to a more relaxed pace. Remember your breathing exercises when you start tensing up during the day, or when

your cortex turns to worry. On the evening after your massage, be certain to enjoy a light dinner. Soak in a bath with Epsom salts and then curl up in bed for a deep, restorative sleep.

10. Schedule your next sessions

The best results of massage can actually be felt after a few sessions not only 1. Be ready to schedule several massage sessions a week or 2 weeks maximum apart. The

healing benefits of massage are cumulative, so that the more often you get a massage, the better you will feel and the more quickly your body will respond. From one session to the next ,

relaxation deepens as the chronic patterns of stress in the body are affected and released. If you are getting massage to address persistent muscle-bound stress or recovery from a soft

tissue injury, more than one session is mostly required.

Toronto-based Med Rehab Group has a range of rehabilitation services covering massage therapy, physiotherapy, orthics, chiropractic, and more.

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